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Loreto Library: Fantasy Collection

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Classic Fantasy

Books that continue to inspire modern fantasy writers and film-makers

Fairytale Fantasy

Stories inspired by classic folktales and fairytales.

Here Be Dragons

Stories with dragons, and about dragons.

The Fantasy Collection

Fantasy stories are often set in a fictional universe with plots that could not happen in the real world and characters that frequently must undertake a quest or face a difficult journey, resulting in a satisfactory resolution where good triumphs over evil.

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Novels in eBook Format

The Library also has novels in ebook and audiobook formats

Have a chat to Library staff if you are interested in listening to an audiobook or reading on a digital device. Some alternative format titles can be found in the Library catalogue, but often it is best to browse Wheelers ePlatform directly.  Library staff can point you in the right direction, depending upon what you're looking for. 

New to eBooks? Check out our eBook support page

Skulduggery Pleasant series - Derek Landy

When twelve-year-old Stephanie inherits her weird uncle's estate, she must join forces with Skulduggery Pleasant, a skeleton mage, to save the world from the Faceless Ones.

Popular author - Tamora Pierce

Looking for stories about strong and fearless female goddesses, warriors, sorcerers, and spies? Check out the world of Tortall, in the books of Tamora Pierce.

Romantic Fantasy

Otherworldly figures, forbidden love, and dangerous adventures.

The Grishaverse series - Leigh Bardugo

Orphaned by the Border Wars, Alina Starkov is taken from obscurity and her only friend, Mal, to become the protege of the mysterious Darkling, who trains her to join the magical elite in the belief that she is the Sun Summoner, who can destroy the monsters of the Fold.

Warriors series - Erin Hunter

For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their ancestors. But the warrior code is threatened, and the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger. The sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. Noble warriors are dying-and some deaths are more mysterious than others. In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary housecat named Rusty...who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.

Popular author - Rick Riordan

Enter a world of gods, heroes and mythical creatures

Fantasy - write or draw your own stories!

Looking to explore creating your own fantasy worlds? Check out these resources to help you: