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Year 10 Politics: Arab Spring Library Resources


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Use the Search Within Publication option to find articles in these reference books on the Arab Spring, the countries and key individuals involved. Types of information will include topic overviews, biographies, and primary sources such as accounts of personal experiences. 

World History (Gale in Context)

Below are some examples of entries relating to the topic Arab Spring from the World History database. Search the database using the link about to find further information to support your research task, such as biographies of key figures, political party information and country profiles.

Access to this resource requires a login - see the "more" information above for instructions.

Britannica School

Below are some examples of entries relating to the topic Arab Spring from the reference source Britannica School. Search the Britannica School using the link above to find further information to support your research task, such as biographies of key figures, political party information and country profiles.

A to Z World Culture

A to Z World Culture is a comprehensive reference source for information on countries including aspects including, but not limited to, climate, culture and society, economy and trade, education, government and history and religion. 

Access to this resource requires a login - see the "more" information above for instructions.