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First Nations: Massacres & Missions


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Other resources

Cootamundra Domestic Training Home for Aboriginal Girls

Colonial Frontiers Massacres, Australia, 1788 to 1930 - interactive map

According to the introduction to the Colonial Frontiers Massacres Map, the aims are to:

  1. Identify and record sites of frontier massacres of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people across Australia from 1788 to 1930.
  2. Provide the first Australia wide record of frontier massacres that is comprehensive, based on a rigorous methodology, with well-structured data and a map, and providing the available evidence for each frontier massacre site.
  3. Inform public debate about colonial frontier violence.
  4. Provide open access knowledge to the public and invite contributions.

Books from the Library

Coranderrk Aboriginal Station

Kinchela Boys Home

Kinchela Boys Home AC (2022). We were just little boys. Youtube video (19 min,).