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First Nations: For Teachers

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Language and Terminology

It is essential that teachers use and model culturally appropriate, respectful and inclusive language when speaking and preparing resources about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and topics. The below guides can be used to inform understanding and usage of language and terminology. 

Acknowledgement of Country

Examples of Acknowledgement of Country are available on the Staff drive (W:) in the First Nations folder.

You are encouraged to personalise an Acknowledgement of Country to connect your meeting/event with, and extend your knowledge of, First Nations history, culture and traditions. 

Narragunnawali - Reconciliation in Education

Narragunnawali Reconciliation in Education

Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education is a program of Reconciliation Australia.

"Narragunnawali supports all schools and early learning services in Australia to develop environments that foster a high level of knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions."

Hidden Histories: The Wadawurrung People - Sovereign Hill

Hidden Histories: The Wadawurrung People

Sovereign Hill's digital tour about the Ballarat gold rush, with perspectives and participation of The Wadawurrung People. 

ABC Education & SBS Learn: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education

Bringing Them Home

The Healing Foundation

"The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. Our work helps people create a different future."

This site is has a wealth of information and resources for and about the Stolen Generations, intergenerational trauma and Community healing. 

Child Safe Standard 1

Child Safe Standard 1

Of Victoria's Child Safe Standards (July, 2022), Standard 1 explicitly relates to Aboriginal children. 

The Standard reflects Article 30 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (November, 1989), which states that, "In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin exist, a child belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her own religion, or to use his or her own language."

Catholic Education Commission of Victoria

Link to the Catholica Education Commission of Victoria website

Published in November 2021, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan assists Victorian Catholic schools to develop and strengthen practices to improve the education and life outcomes of its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. 

VAEAI - Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc

VAEAI - Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc

"VAEAI represents the Koorie Community in relation to education policy development and strategic programming at the local, state and national levels. We support the provision of education and training that reinforces our community’s cultural identity and increases awareness in the wider community of Koorie culture and aspirations in education and training."

Magabala Books and text selection

Magabala Books

Magabala Books is Australia's leading Indigenous publisher. 

List of Magabala titles in the Loreto Library.

In My Blood It Runs - Professional Development

In My Blood It Runs (2019). Directed by Maya Newell. 

There is an accompanying ATOM Study Guide for the film. If you play the film in the widget, you can download it via the Resource Page icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, access the film on the ClickView platform and download it from there. 

In My Blood It Runs is a feature documentary which tackles how the education system fails Indigenous children. 

In My Blood It Runs is a film and a campaign to make school more culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. It is recommended that teachers undertake professional development before using the film in class. Visit the Education page of the film's website for further information and to access the free professional learning resources. The professional development was created by the Stronger Smarter Institute and Narragunnawali.

ClickView also has some shorter focus clips for discussion points which can be used with students in class. 

During Reconciliation Week 2023, CV hosted a panel of First Nations experts to navigate themes from the In My Blood It Runs feature documentary.

  • Understanding essential concepts including truth-telling, tokenism, bias, self-determination, and the UN's Indigenous Peoples' Rights Declaration
  • How to spot these issues in the classroom and correct them.
  • Strategies for creating positive change
  •  Additional resources to improve your teaching skills.

Australians Together teacher website

Australians Together

A teacher-focused organisation, the mission of Australians Together is: "We listen and learn from First Nations people to help non-Indigenous Australians build a greater awareness of our shared history and it’s ongoing impact, gain a deeper respect for First Nations perspectives, and help pave the way for meaningful actions for an Australia together."

Evaluating and Selecting Educational Resources

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies has produced a free guide for educators to assist them to critically evaluate resources to ensure those used do not cause harm to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and promote teaching that is effective, inclusive, reflective and respectful. 

Other Research Resources