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First Nations: Early Colonisation

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First Nations Biographies: Early Colonisation

Frontier Warriors you should know

This book includes real-life stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including:

  • Patyegarang - a Darug woman who taught a First Fleet lieutenant how to communicate with Aboriginal people in Sydney Cove
  • Bungaree - a Darug man who sailed with Matthew Flinders to map the coast of Australia
  • Yarri and Jacky Jacky - Wiradjuri men who rescued settlers from Gundagai after the Murrumbidgee River flooded
  • Tarenorerer - a freedom fighter from Tommeginne Country, known for her leadership and combat skills
  • Mohara Wacando-Lifu - the first Indigenous woman awarded the Royal Humane's Society's Gold Medal for bravery
  • Fanny Balbuk Yooreel - a Whadjuk woman who became a resistance fighter and environmental protector
  • David Unaipon - a Ngarrindjeri inventor, visionary and author whose image is on the Australian $50 note


Maria Lock

Each of these articles highlight Maria Lock as trailblazer of her time - she was well educated, taking out academic prizes ahead of both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students at the Native Institution, granted the first legally recognised British-Aboriginal marriage (with her ex-convict husband assigned to her) and became a rare female Aboriginal landholder after petitioning for her legal rights. 



Finding Bennelong - City of Ryde Resource

Produced by the City of Ryde (in Sydney), "Finding Bennelong is a resource which explores the historical evidence and different perspectives about the life of Woollarawarre Bennelong." In addition to information on the website, the Finding Bennelong series of brief videos is available to watch as a playlist on YouTube. The series trailer is below, as well as a link to the playlist. 


ABC Message Stick, 2010. Pemulwuy: A War of Two Laws. Part 1. 27 min. 

ABC Message Stick, 2010. Pemulwuy: A War of Two Laws. Part 2. 27 min. 

Fanny Cochrane Smith