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2024 - Significant Dates for Cultural Events

Cultural Advice

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware this guide may include or link to information resources which contain images, voices or names of deceased persons.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Loreto College Library acknowledges and pays respects to the traditional owners of the land upon which our library was built, the Wadawurrung People of the Kulin Nation. The Library is committed to providing a culturally safe and inclusive space for our First Nations students, and to reviewing our resources to build a rich library collection which incorporates and reflects indigenous knowledge and perspectives.   

Support Services

13YARN icon - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support hotline




Phone: 13 YARN (13 92 76 )

A confidential one-on-one yarning opportunity with a Lifeline-trained Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter who can provide crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

"This is your story; your journey and we will take the time to listen. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn. We’re here for you." 


ReachOut recently launched Yarn Up, a safe space for First Nations young people to connect with community, hear from others, and access wellbeing resources and support.

Common Ground

Common Ground website link

"Common Ground is a First Nations not-for-profit. We’re working to shape a society that centres First Nations people by amplifying knowledge, cultures and stories."

Explore the website by the themes of People, Country and Truth-telling.

Indigenous Affairs and Culture in the Media

Link to ABC Indigenous website

The ABC Indigenous portal aggregates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander news and current affairs, stories and features from around Australia.

Link to SBS NITV website

NITV is the National Indigenous Television, News and Programs channel of SBS, "the home of Indigenous story telling." 


The editorial policy of the National Indigenous Times is to be "the most comprehensive Indigenous online news site in Australia. We offer rigorous reporting on the issues that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We celebrate positive stories and achievements, advocate for Reconciliation, and offer a balance of stories across news, politics, business, the arts and sport."

Murrup Laarr (Ancestral Stones) - Lake Wendouree

photo of sculpture Ancestral Stones by Deanne Gilson

Photo from Visit Ballarat

Photo of artist Deanne Gilson's sculpture Murrup Laarr in the North Gardens by Lake Wendouree, commissioned by the City of Ballarat. 

Local Organisations

Ballarat = balla arat = bended elbow or resting place in Wadawurrung language

The Healing Foundation

The Healing Foundation

"The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. Our work helps people create a different future."

This site is has a wealth of information and resources for and about the Stolen Generations, intergenerational trauma and Community healing. 

Wadawurrung Language

Wadawurrung Elder Uncle Bryon Powell takes us on a journey across Wadawurrung country, sharing short stories and language behind its place names. Among the localities included are Ballarat, Mt. Warrenheip, Lal Lal and Mt Buninyong.

Duration: 10 min. 

Government links

Link to National Indigenous Australians Agency website

The National Indigenous Australians Agency website is to "connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programs and raise awareness about the initiatives that affect them most." Its website shares news, events and stories from individuals, communities and organisations. 

Link to Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies website

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies is "Australia's only national institution focused exclusively on the diverse history, cultures and heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia." Cultural resurgence is a primary focus. 

Link to the Australian Human Rights Commission website

Social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a core focus of the work of the Australian Human Rights Commission, and it uses the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples as a key instrument to protect and advance those rights. 

Link to First Peoples State Relations Victorian Government website

First Peoples - State Relations is the Victorian Government group "responsible for nation-leading work in the areas of cultural rights, self-determination, treaty and truth – an extensive program of priority work with First Peoples." Explore the website under the themes of Treaty, Truth and Justice, Heritage and Community. 


Indigenous Australians - Profiles, Data & Statistics

The Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing and the Australian Bureau of Statistics are two federal government agencies whose websites are an authoritative source of high quality data and reports on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

Link to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website

Find here summaries and reports across many specific measures which describe the health and welfare status of Indigenous Australians today and over time. Overview reports include:

Link to Australian Bureau of Statistics website

Find here reports based on the Census of Population and Housing, and other survey and collected administrative data which relate to Indigenous Australians. See as an example:

Reconciliation Week events - City of Ballarat