A year must be selected in order to initiate a search in the news source database.
For VCE students there is a special VCE file which ensures that material will fit with VCE date-specific tasks. Otherwise, select the year required.
Below is a sample result from a search on pill testing.
The will take you to the original article. If it appeared in a traditional newspaper's website, you may not be able to access it for free. If that is the case, please contact Library staff for help in tracking down a print copy or checking whether it is available through the Library's NewsBank subscription. Non-traditional newspapers and other online news sources included in Echo Online are usually able to freely accessed via the links included.
Select a year to browse through the list of media issues analyses.
Take note of the corresponding badge to ensure the issue fits with VCE date-specific tasks.
Below is a sample entry for the issue of booing within the AFL.
Click on the title to access the full analysis which will typically include:
Remember, if the links don't take you through to the full text (particularly for newspapers), contact the Library to determine options for obtaining a copy.