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Year 7: Ancient Rome: Introduction

Searching for information with Britannica School

The Overview of Ancient Rome (left) comes from the Library's resource Britannica School. 

Search Britannica School for information on your selected topic by following the link below. 

Reading tip! For any given entry you find, you can change the Article Reading Level at the top of the entry. Use this feature to suit your level of understanding, interest or need for more or less detail on your topic. You may decide to start with Level 1 for each entry to gain an overview and then select another level if you need more detail. 

Searching tip! You will need to do more than one search to find enough information on your topic. For example, you might:

  • Search for initially for Roman architecture and find a good overview
  • Familiarise yourself with the main ideas and take note of keywords and ideas
  • Perform extra searches on these keywords to find more specific or related information, for example, on public baths, amphitheatres, key architects or known structures such as the Colosseum.
  • Follow the links in the entries of relevant items to find further information

This kind of strategy will help you build up a good list of resources to use and help you make connections between sub-topics and ideas. 

Searching for information in Gale eBooks

The Library has access to many Gale eBooks. You can either search across all of them at once, or browse/search the most relevant ones highlighted below. Some documents from the eBooks have been included in the resources section for different topics. 

Access tip! If you are prompted to log in to Gale eBooks, select the Sign in with Microsoft Office prompt and select your Loreto email address. You will then pass through to the eBook/document. 

Overview of Ancient Rome

Tip! Move between Article Reading Levels for less or more detailed information - the link opens at Article Reading Level 2 but you can change this by using the numbered pink boxes at the top of the entry, depending of whether you want more basic or more detailed information. 

Books in the Library on Ancient Rome

Always a popular topic, the Library has a wide selection of books on Ancient Rome. Only a few have been listed below.

If you want to browse the shelves, you'll find most items at: Non Fiction 937 

However, you may also need to search the Library catalogue for books on more general topics such as mythology, architecture, customs or ancient history and then check the Table of Contents to see if they have an entry or chapter for Ancient Rome. 

Describing Artefacts in Museums

Image of a Slavery tag from Ancient Rome

A slavery tag (5.8cm in diameter, copper alloy), inscribed with information about return. Rome, Italy, 4th century AD. Held at the British Museum, London. 

If you click on the image, you will be taken to the British Museum website where you can view how the artefact is physically described, together with the commentary around the significance of the artefact in understanding its place in history.

Meet the Romans with Mary Beard series

Meet the Romans is an informative and entertaining series covering all aspects of Ancient Rome and its inhabitants - a great introduction to the topic!

All Roads Lead to Rome (episode 1). ClickView. 60min. 

Street Life (episode 2). ClickView. 55min. 

Behind Closed Doors (episode 3). ClickView. 55min. 

Need help? Email the Library