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World War II in the Pacific: Library Print Resources

Library Resources - Print

Search the Library Catalogue

Library Catalogue Search Tips

You may need to do several searches to locate books that might have information on your topic. For example, if you are looking for information about Kokoda:

  • search for Kokoda in the library catalogue. This search is likely to find books where Kokoda is the main theme of the book. 
  • search on wider concepts that are related, e.g. Australia World War II. This search is likely to identify books that may have a valuable chapter on Kokoda. Once you find the book on the shelves, check the Table of Contents and index information for references to page numbers. 

Finding Books on the Shelves

If you can't find a book on the shelf, ask for help.

Library shelves

Photo by Zaini Izzuddin on Unsplash

Library staff will go to the shelves with you to help you

look in the right spot! 

Term Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 5pm

Friday: 8am to 4.30pm

Need help? Email the Library