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VCE History: 20th Century History Unit 2: 1945-2000: The Cold War

Databases for searching

The following databases are recommended for searching for information on this topic:

Example articles from databases

'Cold War' 2021 in Britannica School. 

'Cold War' 2006 in Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 620-628, Gale eBooks. 

'Origins of the Cold War' 2004 in Cold War Reference Library, Gale, pp1-26, Gale eBooks. 

'Winston Churchill delivers the "Iron Curtain" Speech: March 5, 1946' 2014 in Global Events: Milestones Throughout History, Gale, Gale in Context; World History. 

'The Marshall Plan rebuilds Europe: 1947-1951' 2014 in Global Events: Milestones Throughout History, Gale, Gale in Context; World History. 

'Truman Doctrine' 2016 in America in the World 1776 to Present, Gale, pp 1022-1025, Gale eBooks. 

'Berlin blockade' 2004 in Encyclopedia of Russian History, Gale, Gale eBooks. 

Books from the Library

Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech (1946)

Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech. Youtube (6 min.). 

Truman Doctrine Speech (1947)

Reading the Truman doctrine Address - A Primary Source Close Read. Youtube (25 min.). 


How the Truman Doctrine Established the Cold War. 2018. Youtube (5 min.). 

The Cold War in video

What Was the Cold War? 2018. Youtube (6 min.). 

The Cold War Part 1: 1945-1961. 2007, ClickView. (36 min.). 

The Cold War Part 2: 1962-1991. 2007, ClickView. (36 min.). 


The Marshall Plan

Cold War: Marshall Plan 1947-1952. 2003. ClickView (47 min.).