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Year 9 Drama: Theatrical Styles

General Resources

Library Books

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If need further help finding resources to support your research, please email the Library.

Five Truths: Theatre Practitioners (Videos)

Poor Theatre

Epic Theatre

Bertolt Brecht and Epic Theater - Crash Course Theater (12 min.). 


Elizabethan Theatre: Theatre in the Time of Shakespeare (8 min.). 


Commedia Dell'Arte

The World of Commedia Dell’Arte – National Theatre (10 min.). 

Learn about all of the stock characters in Commedia, the masked and the unmasked, their status, their physical shapes and their characters.

Also search for other National Theatre youtube clips on Language, Character Shape and Emotion in Commedia Dell'Arte. 


Theatre of the Absurd

A Video of the History of the Theatre of the Absurd – Theaterninjas (4 min.).